Propellers ji bo Evinrude Johnson Suzuki
Pin Drive:
2 - 4 Helbestên Guhestina Alumînyûm HP (6-1 / 8 x 4-1 / 3)
4 - 8 HP Aluminium Propellers ji bo OMC Evinrude Johnson (Pin Drive)
Ji bo OMC (5 x 8-7 / 1) Pin Drive Pêşniyarên 2 Aluminium Replacement
5.5 - 6 HP Aluminum Props for Johnson Evinrude (Pin Drive)
6 HP Prosesên Aluminium ên Suzuki 4-Stroke (Pin Drive)
6 - 15 HP Aluminium Propellers for Johnson Evinrude (Pin Drive)
10 - 28 HP Aluminium Propellers for Johnson Evinrude (Pin Drive)
25 - 40 HP Aluminium Propellers for Johnson Evinrude (Pin Drive)
50 HP Props for Evinrude Johnson V-4 1958, 1959 (Pin Drive)
60 - 90 HP Aluminium Propellers for Johnson Evinrude V-4 (Pin Drive)
100 HP Propellers for Aluminium for V-4 (Drive Drive) 1966-1968
10 Spline
25-30 HP 4-Propellers of Stoke, Alumin and Stainless Steel, Gearase 3 Inch Gearase, 10 Tooth Spline
12 Spline
4-5 HP Propellers of Aluminium for Evinrude Johnson BRP 4-Stroke 12 Spline
9.8 Helbestên Aluminium HP ji bo Johnson Evinrude BRP (12 Spline Thru Hub Exhaust)
13 Spline
8, 9.9 - 15 Helbestên Aluminium ji bo Johnson Evinrude 13 Spline & Thru Hub Exhaust)
8, 9.9, 15 HP Propellers for (4-Stroke) Evinrude Johnson 13 Spline and Thru Hub Excharge
40 - 75 Helbestên Aluminiumê yên HP-ê ji bo Gearcase Biçûk 3-3 / 8 "(Exhaust Thru-Hub)
40 - 75 Helbestên Polayê Zingîn ên HP-ê ji bo Gearcase Biçûk 3-3 / 8 "(Exhaust Thru-Hub)
40 - 50 HP Evinrude Johnson BRP (4-Stroke) Aluminium, 13 Spline, 3-1 / 4 Gearcase
60-70 HP Properên Aluminium û Stelikî (4-Stroke) Mezinahiya 4-1 / 4 "Mezin
85 - 140 HP Aluminium Propellers ji bo V-4 Gearcase (13 Spline û Thru-Hub Exhaust)
85 - 140 HP Ji bo V-4 Gearcase (13 Spline û Thru-Hub Exhaust)
40 - 140 HP Propellers of Steel Stainless for Gearase Large and Exu-Hub Big Gear
13 Spline (OMC Stern Drive)
Alavên OMC Stern Drive (13 Spline) Propellers
Hilberên Stainless Steel OMC Stern Drive (13 Spline) Propellers
14 Spline
Spline Drive & Thru-Hub Exhaust (14 Spline), 15 HP 4-Stroke, 2012-Newer
15 Spline
90 - 140 HP (4-Stokek) Aluminium û Zengilkok, (15 Tifaqa Paqij û Pêvekirî-Hub)
90 - 300 HP Aluminium Propellers ji bo V-6 Gearcase (15 Spline û Thru-Hub Exhaust)
90 - 300 HP Ji bo V-6 Gearcase (15 Spline û Thru-Hub Exhaust)
200 & 225 HP (4-Stroke), Michigan Aluminium Propellers - 4-3 / 4 ”Gearcase - 15 Spline
200 & 225 HP, (4-Stroke), Michigan Stainless Steel Propellers - 4-3 / 4 ”Gearcase - 15 Spline
150 - 300 HP, Evinrude E-Tec, G2 Gearcase Propellers Aluminium - 15 Spline
150 - 300 HP, Evinrude E-Tec, G2 Gearsase Propellers Stainless Steel - 15 Spline
BRP Evinrude Johnson V6 150-300 HP and 90-130 HP, 25 "Shaft, Propellers Aluminium 2-Stroke
BRP Evinrude Johnson V6 150-300 HP and 90-130 HP, 25 "Shaft, Propellers Stainless Steel 2-Stroke
BRP Evinrude Johnson Sîstemên Propeller Hub Interchangeable
15 Spline (OMC Stern Drive)
Alavên OMC Stern Drive (15 Spline) Propellers
Hilberên Stainless Steel OMC Stern Drive (15 Spline) Propellers
19 Spline (OMC SX Cobra Stern Drive)
Propellers Aluminium OMC SX Cobra Stern Drive (19 Spline)
Pêşkêşker Stainless Steel OMC SX Cobra Stern Drive (19 Spline)